Erik Vonk Featured in Forbes Article on Global Worker Classification
CEO Erik Vonk is featured in a Forbes Article on remote work and compliance.
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Welkom bij de People2.0 Insights Series: thought leadership, trends en inzichten in het wereldwijde talentecosysteem van de leiders van People2.0. Deze maandelijkse serie biedt inzichten en expertise om u te helpen bij het navigeren door belangrijke kwesties en trends in de wereldwijde personeels- en wervingsindustrie.
CEO Erik Vonk is featured in a Forbes Article on remote work and compliance.
The notion of expanding your business into the Middle East can be daunting for those outside of the region. However, more and more companies are seeing expansion into the Middle East as smart business.
The distributed workforce has turned the staffing industry on its head. Neal Bhamre of People2.0 weighs in on how to futureproof your staffing agency.
2023 People2.0. Alle rechten voorbehouden