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6 Trends Defining the Recruitment Industry in 2022

zondag juli 31, 2022

The evolving world of work is changing the recruitment industry. Stay on top of recruitment trends that are defining the indu...

The Changing Workforce: It’s a Whole Different Animal Virtual Conference

donderdag juli 14, 2022

We attracted more than 350 registrants and featured 25+ industry experts, clients, and partners. These leaders joined in 6 in...

Communication Tactics to Make Prospects Want to Work with You

donderdag juli 14, 2022

If you do anything enough, it becomes routine, and as a recruiter, you’re no exception to the rule. As you speak to candida...

Where is All the Talent

woensdag juli 13, 2022

Discover the many differences between an employer of record (EOR) and a professional employer organization (PEO)....

Distributed Workforce Combats UK Labor Shortage

donderdag juni 30, 2022

The UK is suffering from a significant labor shortage despite low unemployment rates. Changing recruitment strategies can hel...

Using Diversity to Build Resilience in Your Procurement Strategies

donderdag mei 19, 2022

Promoting the longevity of your clients’ organizations means developing a diversity recruiting strategy that fosters resili...

Employee Wants, Company Needs: Balancing the Borderless Workplace

donderdag mei 12, 2022

People2.0’s Flexible Work Program benefits a distributed workforce by allowing for fully remote employees as well as a hybr...

Recruiting for Other Recruiters

donderdag januari 27, 2022

Labor shortages are affecting nearly every industry, including staffing and recruiting. Here’s how to successfully recruit ...

Recruitment Strategies for a Post-COVID World

donderdag januari 13, 2022

These strategies will become essential for recruiters in a post-COVID world....

Engagement Freedom: Strategies to Connect with Global Talent

donderdag september 9, 2021

Talent globalization has accelerated during the pandemic. Here’s how you can help your clients successfully build and engag...

Global Talent Management: Strategies to Leverage the Global Talent Community

donderdag augustus 26, 2021

Talent procurement strategies need to adapt rapidly to the borderless future of work. These strategies will help you successf...

5 Lessons From Our Candidate Sourcing Webinar

donderdag juli 15, 2021

Learn more about the key lessons in candidate sourcing to help your staffing or recruiting agency stand out in 2021....

Talent Curation: How Recruiters Can Get Ahead of the Competition

donderdag mei 6, 2021

Ensure you have the right skilled talent available for positions as soon as you need them filled. Here’s how to get ahead w...

The Difference between Consumer vs. Employer Branding in Talent Procurement

donderdag april 22, 2021

In talent procurement, you need to attract both candidates and clients. Each audience requires a different unique value propo...

De arbeidsmarkt in 2021 – bedrijven en medewerkers optimistisch

woensdag december 30, 2020

Ondanks de nasleep van de coronacrisis, die hoogstwaarschijnlijk gepaard gaat met de nodige faillissementen en werklozen, zij...

Is Candidate Ghosting Damaging Your Candidate Experience?

donderdag november 19, 2020

Ghosting: You say you’ll call, but you never do… You might be doing your candidates, your clients, and your recruitin...

Hoe voer je goede sollicitatiegesprekken op afstand?

donderdag oktober 29, 2020

Zoals we in ons vorige blog al schreven, is thuiswerken de komende tijd de norm. Maar werken vanuit huis is één, alle bijko...

De arbeidsmarkt na corona: gaan we structureel meer thuiswerken?

woensdag februari 12, 2020

In onze blogserie over thuiswerken en corona doken we al in verschillende aspecten van het thuiswerken. We behandelden de gro...

Interview Mitchell Oosterwolde

vrijdag februari 7, 2020

Wij spraken met Mitchell Oosterwolde, Junior Finance Medewerker bij WePayPeople, over zijn werkzaamheden, motivatie, ervaring...

Interview William Janssen

maandag januari 20, 2020

William Janssen, Business Process Manager bij WePayPeople, behaalde zijn ISO-9001-certificering! Wij zijn sinds kort ISO–90...

Krappe tijden

vrijdag november 1, 2019

Al bladerend door dit winternummer kan je er niet omheen: deze Uitzendscope staat in het teken van wat 2019 ons gaat brengen....

Ik heb het nog nooit gedaan, dus ik denk dat ik het wel kan’

vrijdag november 1, 2019

Marja Ruigrok is van top tot teen ondernemer. Na haar studie communicatiewetenschappen aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam werk...

Interview Vicky Bussen

donderdag september 19, 2019

Van payroll trainee naar payroll consultant....

Interview Soraya Rouis

vrijdag juli 19, 2019

Er wordt wel eens gezegd dat werken binnen de payroll-branche saai kan zijn. Waarom koos jij voor dit vak/deze branche? “Ik...

Interview met de afdeling Operations

vrijdag mei 17, 2019

Om een duidelijker beeld van onze activiteiten te schetsen, interviewden wij Sonny, Katja, Vicky, Joyce, Tansu en Valerie van...

Midlife happiness door payroll voor 45-plussers

vrijdag april 12, 2019

Aafke Dijkstra is eigenaar van Midlife Happiness Expert. Ze helpt 45-plussers hun midlifecrisis om te zetten in midlife happi...

Overheid brengt arbeidsmarkt in disbalans

woensdag december 12, 2018

Zolang de voor 2020 geplande Wet Arbeidsmarkt in Balans (WAB) flexwerk duurder maakt zonder het zzp-schap af te bakenen, cre...

Ensuring Temporary Worker Satisfaction

vrijdag september 14, 2018

As the liaison between clients and contractors, your staffing firm must consider your role in ensuring temporary worker satis...

Recruit Interested Candidates Faster and More Efficiently

zaterdag mei 26, 2018

A candidate says 'YES, I'm interested in hearing more about this opportunity;' what you do next is the most important part of...

Attracting Candidates: The Right Way to Recruit (Part 2)

maandag mei 14, 2018

Explore human nature and how you can use psychology to improve your recruiting efforts; what attracts a candidate and how can...

Attracting Candidates: The Right Way to Recruit (Part 1)

maandag mei 7, 2018

Recruiting is selling opportunities! So, what’s the right way to attract top candidates & pitch them your best opportu...

Leave Great Voicemails for Potential Candidates

dinsdag april 10, 2018

Phones are attached to us everywhere we go, but we don’t actually answer them. Here are some rules for voicemails that actu...

Connecting to Job Seekers: Bridging the Language Gap, Part 2

woensdag januari 3, 2018

The biggest opportunity for staffing companies to connect with the job seeker’s struggle is by focusing on the job search p...

Connecting to Job Seekers: The Language Breakdown, Part 1

woensdag december 27, 2017

An ASA study revealed that staffing companies and job seekers are not speaking the same language. This two-part series review...

Casper Bannet, Uitzendondernemer van het Jaar

dinsdag november 28, 2017

Hij komt uit een muzikantenfamilie. Zijn grootvader was de legendarische Johnny Bannet, trompettist bij de Nederlandse big ba...

CBS: Sterkste banengroei sinds 2008

maandag augustus 21, 2017

Sinds 2008 is er geen sterkere toename in banen geweest dan in het tweede kwartaal van 2017. De aantrekkende economie zorgt e...

Thema trends: ondernemen in flex

dinsdag juni 27, 2017

Binnen het klassieke patroon van economisch herstel is – na de toenemende export, aantrekkende investeringen en stijgende c...

[Infographic] The New Workforce

dinsdag april 11, 2017

In this infographic, we look at the factors driving the growth of the independent workforce and strategies companies use to s...

How HR Can Remain Relevant in the New World of Work

woensdag april 5, 2017

Organizations of all sizes and across all industries are increasingly choosing to engage contingent labor. As this segment of...

Kieswijzer: de belangrijkste arbeidsmarkt issues

dinsdag maart 14, 2017

Met de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen voor de deur beloven het spannende tijden te worden voor intermediairs. Nieuwe beleidskeuzes ...

Is There Still a Need for “Human Resources” in the New World of Work?

woensdag maart 8, 2017

The world of work is rapidly evolving. With dramatic demographic shifts taking place we are witnessing increasing levels of t...

3 Significant Workplace Trends Impacting HR Professionals

woensdag februari 8, 2017

With the rapid changes taking place in the workforce, and the ever-evolving workplace, the professional life of an HR leader ...

The New Workforce Reality: Too Much Available Labor, Not Enough Available Talent

dinsdag november 15, 2016

The new workforce reality is too many available positions, and not enough workers to fill those positions. What factors are t...

Zijn er over 15 jaar nog banen met de komst van al die robots?

vrijdag september 16, 2016

Zijn er over 15 jaar nog banen met de komst van al die robots? Hard werken wordt beloond. Verschillende banen krijgen steeds ...

Talent Scarcity: The New Market Reality

dinsdag augustus 9, 2016

As companies struggle with talent scarcity, total talent management has emerged as a new, viable strategy. Learn how best-in-...

The Growth of the Flexible Workforce

woensdag augustus 3, 2016

By 2020, over 40% of the U.S. workforce will be independent. How can you avoid common compliance pitfalls of a flexible workf...

In FD: Payroll Works koerst opnieuw aan op verdubbeling omzet

woensdag december 11, 2013

Het Financieel Dagblad interviewde Payroll Works. Het blad volgt de komende weken een aantal voormalige winnaars van de FD Ga...

Het traditionele arbeidscontract voldoet niet meer

maandag december 3, 2012

De Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt is de afgelopen decennia sterk veranderd. Door de economische crisis hebben veel bedrijven hun tr...

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